by Torin M. Finser - School As a Journey is a lively, colorful, and absorbing account of a class teacher's journey with his class, from first grade through the eighth in a Waldorf school. Told in a straightforward humorous style, it is an excellent introduction to the inside of a Waldorf classroom. This book is written especially for parents and educators as well as anyone new to Waldorf education. It is filled with eductional tips and resources and will prove invaluable to those already teaching. It is extensively documented, for those who wish to go more deeply, including references to the works of Rudolf Steiner and others in Waldorf education.
You Are Your Child's First Teacher: What Parents Can Do With and For Their Chlldren from Birth to Age Six by Rahima Baldwin Dancy and Rahima Baldwin - Nowadays parents are bombarded by any number of approaches about how to be with their children. YOU ARE YOUR CHILD'S FIRST TEACHER introduces a new way of understanding the human being so that parents can be best equipped to serve as their own children's best teachers. Chapters include: Caring for the Newborn, Helping Your Toddler's Development, The Development of Fantasy and Creative Play, Nourishing Your Child's Imagination, Rhythm and Discipline in Home Life, Readiness for School, and more.
Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out (Paperback) by Jack Petrash - Written by a teacher with more than 25 years of experience, this book offers a jargon-free view of Waldorf schools with their philosophy of the importance of a three-dimensional education. Through learning experiences that involve all of the senses, children use a variety of intelligences to develop thought, feeling, and intentional, purposeful activity. Whether you’re a Waldorf parent or teacher, or you just want to learn more about these innovative educational concepts, this book contains important ideas on learning that you can apply today.
Beyond the Rainbow Bridge : Nurturing our children from birth to seven (Perfect Paperback) by Barbara J. Patterson - Finally, a parenting book that makes sense! In a gentle, easy, and non-threatening way this book teaches the importance of creative play, the necessity of daily routine, and the merits of creative discipline. The suggestions work and are easy to incorporate into any lifestyle.
Seven Times the Sun: Guiding Your Child Through the Rhythms of the Day (Paperback) by Shea Darian - A one-of-a-kind book--full of ideas, reflections, and practical advice offering a fresh view of daily life in the home and family. Weaving songs, stories, family rituals, and verses throughout, mother and educator Shea Darian shows how to bring joy to such daily events as mealtimes, going to bed, chores, naps, and playtime. A practical, creative, and much-needed resource for child-rearing in the '90s.
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